Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Habitat's Build-Sites Are For Learning Too!

Instructor Brad Moyes uses Habitat's building site as a "hands-on" classroom for construction skills to Junior and Senior students from Henderson County High School. The high school's Construction Technologies classes are involved in helping to build Habitat's 49th house in Henderson as they have been with several Habitat houses in the past several years. Students learn valuable carpentry skills and techniques as they help lay out the house and work from the foundation to the roof ridge, inside and out.
Generally, Habitat volunteers can learn a lot of different skills from those who manage and supervise the construction site during a house-build. More than a few times a volunteer has said at the end of a work session, "Now I can go home and do this at my own house!" Habitat volunteers do not have to be skilled to work at a job site, just willing--willing to do whatever needs to be done, willing to take instruction, willing to help someone else.
In addition to the high school classes working at the Meadow Street site, Habitat's Thursday Crew is there most Thursday mornings and a Saturday Crew meets there most every Saturday morning. Volunteers are welcome. To confirm a work session or to inquire of what will be the task of the day, simply call 869-9011. Come join the effort and perhaps learn something new!

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